
Back to School

Back to school means lots of commotion in your house. This sudden change of pace can affect your dog and they as such – may need help in adjusting to the new schedule. As such here are some suggestions to help ease them into their new routine. Begin slowly changing your dog’s routine earlier (we

Dog Summer

Looking for some ideas for summer activities with/and for your pup this summer? Here are 5 quick and great ideas for you and your little furry one to try: Beach visit – This is the perfect time to take your pup to the beach. There are a ton of activities for them to do including

Cat outside summer

The summer (we think) is the best time of year. However, the heat can not only have an effect on people but can also affect our pets. While our attention related to this typically revolves around dogs, cats can also be affected by the summer heat (even if they can handle the heat better than

Lyme disease prevention month

This article for the month of may focuses on Lyme Disease prevention month. As such, we will go over what Lyme Disease is, the effects it can have on your dog and how to prevent it from occurring. Where does Lyme Disease Come From? Lyme disease comes from ticks. Usually, these ticks can be found

Active Dog Month

This month’s article focuses on April’s theme of Active Dog Month. This article focuses on keys, tips, and advice for maintaining an active lifestyle for your dog! One of the most fundamentally important things for your dog is taking them out for daily walks. The benefit of the spring weather is that it is perfect

March means the beginning of spring, as such here are 5 quick spring pet health tips for your dog to keep in mind:   Some plants and flowers that are blooming may be toxic for your dog so be cautious at the plants they try to consume. Spring is prime time for seasonal allergies to

Foods Dogs eat

This month’s article is to bring awareness and highlights some of the most dangerous foods in the world for dogs and what they can cause to your pup. Alcohol Coma Death Intoxication   Avocado Vomiting Diarrhea   Raisins Currants Kidney Failure   Cooked Bones Stomach Lacerations   Walnuts Macadamias Nervous system and muscle damage  

National Train Your Dog Month

The month of January is also known as ‘National Train your Dog Month’. As such – we wanted to share some tips and explain the importance (as well as benefits) of a well-trained dog. Here are 5 tips to get you started.   1) Training should be a part of you and your dog’s daily

Christmas holiday pet

The holiday season is here and while it’s a fun time for you and your pets there are still some holiday precautions to be mindful of. As such, here are 8-holiday safety pet tips. 1)    Be careful with Christmas lights! Secure electrical cords as pets may begin to chew cords. 2)    Be careful with holiday treats as

Recently purchased a rabbit? here are 10 tips to get you started. 1) Grass hay is the most important part of a rabbit’s diet. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins and helps to wear their teeth through chewing. We recommend always having grass hay available to them. 2) A rabbit cage should be